One-On-One Consultations & Support

Recovering from a repetitive strain injury can seem daunting. So many questions. So many inconsistencies between what you feel in your body versus what you read about or hear from medical professionals.

Sometimes you need a guide to help you through the process…a knowledgeable professional who understands your injury, who can hear your concerns and make sense out of them, take away the fear you feel about making mistakes, and help you see that recovery is possible, step by step.

I offer a variety of support packages that can help you get the answers and support you need and still stay in your budget. Sessions can take place in a Zoom meeting or by phone.

Here are the various options available to help you:

Gold Support Package

Sometimes being able to discuss your concerns back and forth with a skilled, knowledgeable practitioner, ask questions and get the answers immediately can offer the support you need when working with a new program. 

With this support option, you can set up a series of phone or Zoom support calls ranging from 15 minutes to one hour in length for a total of 5 hours to be completed within a 2 month period of time. If you need additional support beyond the time available in this package, you can purchase additional blocks of time at the rate of $80 per hour. 

This pricing is for those who have previously purchased the RSI Self Care Toolkit of their choice.

If you do not yet own a Self Care Toolkit, please visit the pages that best describe your injury and click on the Toolkit icon to place an order.

• 5 hours of Zoom or phone consultation time

• Personalized coaching and instruction on any part of your Self Care Toolkit

• Answers to questions that might be unique to your specific injury 

Investment: $1000 $400 A 60% Discount!

Silver Support Package

With personalized Zoom or phone support ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour each for a total of 3 hours, the Silver Support Package offers plenty of time for your questions and concerns. During our meetings we can tweak your program to be as supportive of your lifestyle as possible. I can clarify any of the concepts presented in your Self Care Toolkit so you get the fullest benefit from each. All sessions must be used within a 2 month period of time. If you need additional support beyond the time limits of the Silver Support Package, you can purchase additional 1 hour blocks of time at the rate of $100 per hour. 

This pricing is for those who have previously purchased the RSI Self Care Toolkit of their choice.

If you do not yet own a Self Care Toolkit, please visit the pages that best describe your injury and click on the Toolkit icon to place an order.

• 3 hours of consultation time

• Personalized coaching and instruction on any part of your Self Care Toolkit

• Answers to questions that might be unique to your specific injury 

Investment: $600 $300 A 50% Discount!

Bronze Support Package

With the Bronze Support Package you can email me up to a total of 10 times over a 2 month time period to ask any questions you have about your Self Care Toolkit program. I can help you better understand the techniques presented in the program, and can answer any specific questions you have about the stretches or other aspects of the program. If you have concerns about your specific injury, I will address them to the best of my ability, but keep in mind that I am not a doctor so I cannot diagnose your condition or offer any advice beyond restoring your fascia to a more normal state. 

This pricing is for those who have previously purchased the RSI Self Care Toolkit of their choice.

If you do not yet own a Self Care Toolkit, please visit the pages that best describe your injury and click on the Toolkit icon to place an order.

Investment: $150

Investment: $150

One-Time Individual Personal Consultation

I know it can feel daunting to start a new healing program on your own. You probably have many questions and want answers directly from the source. I am happy to help with my one-time 30 minute Zoom or phone consultation. You can ask any questions that you might have about the Toolkit of your choice, the stretching process, individual challenges that you face, which Toolkit to choose, etc. The choice is yours!

This options DOES NOT require the pre-purchase of one of my Toolkits. Please note that I am not a doctor and cannot make any diagnosis or medical treatment recommendations.

Investment: $50 for a 30 minute consultation.

Investment: $50

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